Summer Jobs for College Students

Summer time is not only made for relaxing, traveling and spending time with friends and family. It is also a chance to earn some money for the upcoming year and future.

Summer Job Opportunities

Please take a look at some of the best working opportunities for high school and college students based on the pay levels (in the form of a countdown, with #1 being the best-paid one)

Summer Jobs for College Students#8: Worker at a Bar/Club

This is a type of work that is most appealing to people in college, with late working hours and a fun job as such. Just make sure you like sleeping during the day and working and partying at night.

#7: Landscape Architect

If you like spending time outdoors, this is the perfect job for you. The workflow includes organizing outdoor displays or looking after gardens. It’s also an outstanding way to enjoy the summer break along the way.

#6: Employee at Customer Service Department

With a relatively good rate, and quite an easy job, customer service-related work is a great opportunity to earn money during the summer break, although it is challenging and stressing sometimes.

#5: Fitness Instructor

Provided that you are sporty and have good capabilities, and you like exercising and keeping your body in shape – working at a fitness club or center is a perfect match for you. Plus, as seen from the countdown – you can really make some extra cash for yourself.

#4: Accounting-Related Positions

The accounting job is paid well, and is the most suitable for individuals who are in love with numbers and enjoy doing math. It is a nice and useful experience for students undertaking an accounting-related degree.

#3: Modelling Position

This is a peculiar job that suits those who like the catwalk and don’t mind posing. It is a great opportunity to earn a lot of money, and, possibly, become famous.

#2: Working in a Security Department

Becoming a firefighter or a policeman is not something that everybody wants or is a capable of doing, but it is a very respected job, which might also bring some personal satisfaction and sense of honor. Moreover, you can truly make some extra cash at this position.

#1: Wood Cutting and Forming Positions

A carpenter job is very tedious and requires a lot of scrupulous work, but it is the most paid summer position you can find, and can be very useful in your future.