Bloggers are writers first, so, if you lack writing skills and want to be a blogger, you’ll have to work hard to inspire your potential readers and to make them read your stories. Besides, you should definitely free your publications from spelling, grammar or stylistic errors.
How to Get Effective Writing Skills
1. Books or Websites
If you are a good writer, you are a good reader. The more fiction, children or adult books you read, the better your writing becomes. There are special tools that can help you find good reads such as email from Pocket or the Flipboard daily edition. Regarding the websites that can teach you good things about writing, check out Brain Pickings and Longform. One of the best writing tools is reading and reading about how to write.
2. Books about Good Writing
Concerning creative writing tips, read specific books about writing. The more you read, the better results you’ll get. Of course, there’s a great variety of such books, so below you can find a few that we recommend.
William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. White The Elements of Style
Natalie Goldberg Writing Down the Bones
William Zinsser On Writing Well
3. Online Guides
Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab is a big resource designed for academic writing, but here you’ll find the basics of punctuation, grammar, mechanics or writing, style, and proofreading.
Grammar Girl will quickly guide you through origins of phrases and words, vocabulary, commonly misused words, etc.
The other good websites that will provide you with creative writing tips are the Grammar Book and the Grammar Handbook from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
4. Grammarly
After you go through the learning sources, use Grammarly. It will become your writing pal in checking mistakes, finding suggestions in your text as well as punctuation and spelling mistakes. It can be installed as a plugin to Word or as a separate program.