As a student, you might take out a loan to pay for college. However, some time after, it might be a big challenge for you and your family to pay the loan back. As a way out, you can apply for the federal loan cancellation, so in this article we’ll provide you with four tips on how exactly you can do it.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Teacher loan forgiveness is available for those who plan to work in the education sphere, specifically in public schools (secondary and elementary) with low income. You can apply if you have Stafford loans or direct loans. Teacher loan forgiveness presupposes a maximum of $17,500 forgiven within five years. It is good for those who plan to teach at school and can apply by submitting teaching requirements.
Perkins loan cancellation presupposes that up to 100 per cent of your loans can be canceled if you are employed as teachers, librarians, the policemen, nurses or have other public service jobs after five years. Perkins loan cancellation allows you to borrow $27,500 as an undergraduate student and $32,500 more as a graduate.
Besides, you can also follow the income-driven repayment systems that are based on percentage repayment from your income per month. The main thing here is to be informed and follow any changes in the federal law concerning loan forgiveness.