Compare and Contrast Essay

As the title might suggest to you and whether you know how to write a compare and contrast essay or not the task involves taking two subjects (or objects) and comparing them. Therefore, the items being compared must have sufficient likenesses and differences for you to be able to build a meaningful discussion around them. What you are comparing may take the form of a topic for an essay where, say, you might be asked to compare two ideas or discuss them. For instance, if the topic is history-related, you may be asked to talk about the differences or similarities between ancient Roman and Greek societies. A physics-related topic might ask you to compare two different types of exercise.

Third Person Voice

However, no matter what compare and contrast essay topics you are writing about, essays of this type usually use the third person voice (she, he, her, him, they, their, them, it or its). However, you may use terms like “we can see” i.e. the first person where this seems appropriate.

Grammar and Language Usage

Essay Organization and Structure

One effective way for a writer to organize their thoughts before starting to write is to use a graphic aid like a ‘comparative’ map or a ‘Venn’ diagram. These help draw attention to likenesses and differences. Additionally, there are several ways an essay of this type can be structured, such as:

The Introductory Paragraph

The Body Paragraphs

The Concluding Paragraph

Therefore, in essence, this is how to write a compare and contrast essay.

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